Visualizing Pulmonary Function
We are creating a new form of visual analytics for breathing analysis using a combined hardware-software solution for respiratory diagnostics. Our technology is building a new foundation for image-based respiratory analysis.
Millions of Americans suffer from pulmonological conditions including Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), central and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), and numerous other conditions that can cause severe health problems or degrade a patient’s quality of life. Health problems incurred due to undiagnosed and under-diagnosed breathing conditions can lead to decreased cognitive function, cardiovascular disease, and even irreversible lung damage if not treated early stages of the disease.
Early and accurate diagnosis of high-risk pulmonary conditions provides a pivotal steps towards effective treatment and preventative care that can significantly improve patient outcomes. To aid in these efforts, we are introducing a new form of visual breathing analytics to provide accurate and early detection of high-risk respiratory conditions. Our solution provides a non-contact and effort-independent respiratory diagnostic tool that images and measures exhaled CO2 creating 3D models of respiratory behavior.
A New Form of Medical Imaging – Impact and Applications

Sleep Disordered Breathing

Pulmonary Function

Pediatric and Neonatal

Drug Discovery
Our technology builds on multiple forms of filtered infrared (IR) imaging and computer vision algorithms to obtain detailed exhale flow analysis of natural breathing behaviors. We introduce a first-of-its-kind form of visual analytics that complements this new form of imaging as the first step towards creating new diagnostic procedures for pulmonary evaluation. Based on a non-contact and effort-independent approach, this new form of medical imaging and analysis can be used in a wide variety of medical applications including Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB), pulmonary function evaluation for conditions such as COPD, a friendly, safe, and comfortable method for evaluating breathing behaviors in children and infants, and physiological analysis of pre-human trials in drug discovery.
Impact and technology – Visual Respiratory Analytics
Real-time tracking and CO2 airflow and volume measurements through multi-modal imaging
Introduces a method for recording both short-term and long-term respiratory behavior
Enables natural breathing behaviors (no tubes or belts), a completely non-contact solution
Generating the first databases of visual breathing behavior to aid in medical imaging diagnosis
First method analyzing visual exhale flows to improve pulmonary function evaluation
Creating a new form of visual analytics to identify abnormal breathing behaviors using AI
Long-term data collection and trajectory analysis for polysomnography (PSG) sleep studies
A completely new method for non-contact flow and volume monitoring for pediatrics/neonates
Strivision is proud to work with a diverse set of partners that assist with the research, development, and impact of our technology. Realizing the full potential of our work would not be possible without the support of the new technology developed at the University of Colorado Denver.

© 2020 | Strivision, LLC